

2023-07-21  來自: 武漢四維水晶石動畫科技有限公司 瀏覽次數(shù):626


八維工程數(shù)字孿生系統(tǒng)是在我司自主研發(fā)的BIM 8D智慧建造基礎(chǔ)架構(gòu)支撐下,基于人工智能和物聯(lián)網(wǎng)的算法和創(chuàng)新技術(shù)開發(fā)的軟件平臺。該系統(tǒng)注重與物理實體或系統(tǒng)的同步更新和反饋,通過物聯(lián)網(wǎng)、虛擬現(xiàn)實、仿真工具等方式,將物理實體的屬性、參數(shù)和運行狀態(tài)映射到虛擬空間中,形成一個與實體同步更新的虛擬模型,用于分析、診斷和預(yù)測實體的性能和行為,它將實體世界與數(shù)字世界無縫融合,形成一個與實體保持同步更新的虛擬模型。










The "8-dimensional Engineering Digital Twin System" independently developed by our company has obtained the computer software copyright certificate issued by the Copyright Office.

Eight dimensional Engineering digital twin system is a software platform developed on the basis of advanced algorithms and innovative technologies of artificial intelligence and Internet of Things under the support of BIM 8D intelligent construction infrastructure independently developed by our company. The system focuses on synchronous update and feedback with physical entities or systems. Through the Internet of Things, virtual reality, simulation tools and other methods, the attributes, parameters and operating status of physical entities are mapped to virtual space to form a virtual model that is synchronized with the entity and updated for analyzing, diagnosing and predicting the performance and behavior of entities. It seamlessly integrates the physical world with the digital world. Form a virtual model that keeps up to date with the entity.

The system not only improves the efficiency and quality of the existing workflow, but also provides more precise decision support. In the field of industrial manufacturing, the system can realize supply chain management and intelligent manufacturing process design by simulating the product life cycle, thereby improving production efficiency and product quality. In the field of architectural design, the system can help designers better predict the performance of buildings, energy efficiency optimization, and risk prevention, thereby improving the quality and safety of buildings. In the field of transportation, the system can improve the efficiency and safety of urban transportation and reduce the risk of traffic congestion and accidents by simulating traffic flow and optimizing road network design.

The system has the following features and advantages:

1. Real-time data acquisition and analysis: The system can collect and analyze the operational data of physical objects or systems in real time to ensure real-time monitoring and feedback of physical objects or systems.

2. Virtual modeling and simulation: By building models and analyzing data in virtual space, users can easily simulate and simulate physical objects or systems for optimization and control.

3. Support a variety of types of physical objects or systems, such as factories, machines, vehicles, buildings, cities, etc., can realize the digital modeling and analysis of these objects.

4. Two-way synchronization between physical objects or systems and virtual models can be realized, that is, the virtual model can reflect the real-time state of physical objects or systems, and can also send instructions and feedback to physical objects or systems.

5. Cloud computing and Internet of Things technology can be used to achieve high-speed data transmission and processing to ensure high precision and reliability of virtual models.

6. Artificial intelligence and big data technology can be used to achieve deep data mining and analysis, and provide intelligent suggestions and early warnings.

In general, the 8-D engineering digital twin system is an advanced software development platform, which can realize the digital modeling and analysis of physical entities or systems, provide accurate decision support, and its self-developed advanced algorithms and innovative technologies provide users with efficient optimization and refined solutions. Whether in industrial manufacturing, architectural design or transportation, it can provide real-time data acquisition and analysis, virtual modeling and simulation, data security and privacy protection and other functions to help users achieve high performance and high fidelity virtual model construction. To bring better digital solutions and higher efficiency and quality in these areas, provide more accurate decision support, and realize more intelligent management and innovation.






聯(lián)系電話:027-87332550 18627027250



company website: http://cntwtech.com

Company Email: 2331892084@qq.com

Tel.: 027-87332550 18627027250

Address: 18/F, Block B, Asian Trade Plaza, No. 628, Wuluo Road, Wuchang District, Wuhan



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CopyRight ? 版權(quán)所有: 武漢四維水晶石動畫科技有限公司 技術(shù)支持:武漢華企在線 網(wǎng)站地圖 XML 商情信息 備案號:鄂ICP備07500940號-1

本站關(guān)鍵字: 工程動畫 橋梁動畫 隧道動畫 施工動畫 工藝動畫 改擴建動畫

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